III of Swords
A little rain
must fall
Difficult decisions can lead to heartache. In order to be logical it may become necessary to let go of emotional attachments.
Knowledge itself can also lead to greater suffering. Is it better to live in blissful ignorance or reach a higher understanding by overcoming emotional turmoil?
The III of swords is symbolic of a time of great mental suffering. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the ‘Lord of Sorrow.’ Three swords of logic and reason pierce through a beautiful, shining heart that is full of emotion. The storm clouds above it represent a tumultuous time. In my interpretation I like to see the rain as not only part of the storm, but also as a cleansing force. It washes away the sorrow and grief to reveal hidden strength. There are 6 rain drops because that number and the cards corresponding to it represent comfort and compassion. The tear drop shape is exaggerated to symbolize emotional release. The heart is a strong, resilient diamond.
This card oversees the second decan of Libra and is ruled by Saturn.
In a reading this card may be trying to warn you that difficult times are ahead. If you are currently suffering it is a reminder to stay strong. Pain can lead to greater strength and wisdom. That being said, it’s also a reminder to release your pain by allowing yourself to feel it. Have a good cry, take some time to yourself, do what you need to heal. It can be symbolic of a moment of clarity or a realization that shakes you to your core and forces you to reconsider what you believe. The truth can often feel like a stab to the heart. It can be difficult and painful, but necessary for growth.
The reversed my point to a difficult moment in time that has already passed. If you are having trouble with acceptance or letting go, allow yourself to heal and move on. The source of your grief may be your own negativity.