IV of Wands
Your kindgom
After a long, hard journey you return home to rest and celebrate your accomplishments with friends and family.
The IV of wands is symbolic of peace after the attainment of ones goals. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Perfected Work.” The figure, unseen here, is now returning to the castle after their journey of discovery. As a show of respect, four other figures that represent friends, family, and community hold up their wands to welcome them home. A lighted path leads to the open castle gates. It represents the culmination of all the hard work that got them to that point—they built it brick by brick.
This card is ruled by Venus and oversees the third decan of Aries.
In a reading this card represents a time of peace, harmony, and stability in your life. You worked hard to earn this period of rest. If you are currently working towards something this card represents the light at the end of the tunnel. Celebration with family and friends may be imminent. It’s a good time to get together with loved ones. Extend an olive branch to someone you may be feuding with. It could also point to positive life changes such as a marriage, a new home, or renovation.
The reversed may represent instability or discontent in one’s home. A time of transition may be putting stress on your relationships. It may also symbolize fear or rejection of commitment. It could also mean that you are feeling a sense of personal harmony or contentment.