V of Cups

V of Cups




Because the wheel of fate is always turning, contentment is a rare a fleeting state of being. It is often when we are at our highest that the lows come crashing down.

The V of Cups is symbolic of emotional instability, pessimism, and loss. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as ‘Lord of Loss in Pleasure.’ A figure sits in despair over three overturned cups. They have spilled out and are now empty. The water rains down through the cloud into the two cups below. While some are lost, the six drops being caught by the cups below again refer to the positive message of the VI of cups as they did on the III of Swords. They represent hope for the future and new opportunities that can arise from tragedy and failure. However, the figure is unaware of their presence because they are too focused on what has been lost. They need only open their eyes to move on.

This card is ruled by Mars and oversees the first decan of Scorpio.

In a reading this card suggests that you have suffered a set back that you are having trouble moving on from. You may be wallowing in self pity and allowing sadness to rule your life. Try to focus on the positive and allow yourself to move forward. If someone has wronged you, open your heart to forgiveness. Let go of negativity that does not serve you.


The reversed could mean that you must forgive yourself in order to move on. Let go of any guilt or shame you may have. You’ve learned your lesson and are a better person for it. You are ready to heal and move on, or perhaps you already have.



The Compass

The Compass