V of Pentacles
Left out
in the cold
Sometimes no matter how tightly you try to hold on to what you have it still slips from your grasp.
The V of Pentacles is symbolic of material instability. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the ‘Lord of Material Trouble.’ A figure sits alone outside of a golden gate. They are begging for something they lack—perhaps food, money, shelter, acceptance, or health. However, the gate is open and welcoming. There may be help inside, but they seem oblivious or unwilling to accept to it.
This card is ruled by Mercury and oversees the first decan of Taurus.
In a reading this card may be indicative of an unfavorable financial situation, poor health, or rejection from society. You may be feeling insecure, alone, and helpless. It may feel like the world is moving forward while you remain stuck in a place you don’t want to be. Because you don’t have as much as everyone around you, it may cause you to question your self worth. However, this card urges you to try to combat all those negative thoughts and focus on what you do have and to trust the people in your life that want to help you. Sometimes the best place to find support is within.
The reversed could represent the end of a struggle. It could also be trying to tell you that you need to focus on other aspects of your life aside from material wealth. Find fulfillment and happiness in other things.