The Hierophant
of the community
The Hierophant is a very appropriate card for this time of year, (I originally wrote this on Christmas Eve) which celebrates traditions and structure. They are often represented as a spiritual leader or authority figure. In the Hermetic Tarot they are known as the ‘Magus of the Eternal Gods.’ Like the High Priestess they are a keeper of wisdom and knowledge, however, they openly share that knowledge. The also possess the masculine principles of law, order, and stability established by the Emperor. The themes of the number 5 are present here, but this card embodies the balance in order to overcome, strife, conflict, and instability. 5 is a number that also represents humanity.
The Hierophant stands between the same two pillars of duality as the High Priestess. Here the pillars represent law/freedom and severity/mercy. They serve as the central pillar of mildness and equilibrium and create balance with a message of harmony and community. The key they hold unlocks the collective wisdom of humanity passed down since the beginning of time. They are open, where the High Priestess was locked away. The theme of three, or triplicity, is repeated in the trefoils on the key and the crown they wear. It represents spirit, soul, and body.
This card is ruled by Taurus.
In a reading, this card often points to an authority figure in your life or someone who is a pillar in your community. It invites you to embrace tradition, convention, and established values and beliefs. Now is not a time to bend the rules. Stick to what you know instead of trying something new. Seek out others who share your beliefs and find comfort in community.
The reversed could mean that maybe it’s time to question authority. Does your belief system support your personal values? Seek wisdom from within instead of from others. You are your own teacher.