The Ace of Swords
The suit of Swords is the ruler of the mind and intellect. It is associated with the color yellow, air, and the East. It speaks to the rational mind and the psyche. In the Hermetic Tarot it this card is known as ‘Lord of the Root of the Powers of Air.’
The Ace of Swords is symbolic of a mental awakening. A double edged sword cuts through the heavens to be crowned with a wreath of laurels and amethyst. The laurels represent victory and the amethysts represent mental clarity. It floats above a barren landscape, indicative of the often cold nature of intellect. The 6 flames around its hilt refer to the VI of wands, a card that represents victory and achievement.
In a reading this card may represent the beginning of new insight or mental clarity. You are in a position to seek out the truth or fight for something you believe in.
The reverse may indicate that you are in a state of mental chaos or confusion. The fog of anxiety is keeping you from seeing the truth or being victorious in your aspirations.