

One of the great joys in my life is starting a new planner at the beginning of the year. However, lately I’ve been using the convenience of technology to keep track of my various on-going to do lists instead. Those lists help me to organize my otherwise scattered mind and accomplish my goals, but sometimes I feel like I focus too much on what has to be done in the future that I forget to take a step back and reflect on the current moment. I often find myself thinking it’s already Friday on Monday because I’ve planned every second of my week. I never feel like I have enough time because my perception of time is so out of whack. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I want to start living in the moment instead of in the future. You always hear about being stuck in the past, but I never thought the opposite could happen.

So, instead of keeping a physical planner I’m going to keep a book of reflection. At the end of each day I’m going to reflect on the positive, negative, and neutral events of the day, something I’m looking forward to for motivation, and one personal goal for tomorrow.

The “planner” I bought is Coloring Book of Shadows: Planner for a Magical 2019 by Amy Cesari. I’m really enjoying it so far. It has a lot of great information about the wheel of the year, astrology, and planetary phases built in so you can compare whats happening in your life to whats happening in the universe. It also contains a lot of other great, positive, witchy information and fun spells to try. The illustrations are really cute, and it doubles as a coloring book if you need to unwind. Overall, I think it really goes hand in hand with the topics and practices I’ve been exploring with The Prism Tarot.

VI of Wands

VI of Wands

Year Long Journey Spread

Year Long Journey Spread