The 7 Chakras

The 7 Chakras


Chakra is a sanskrit word that means wheel. The seven chakras are metaphysical wheels of energy that correlate to different parts of the body. It is widely believed that balancing the energy of the chakras is vital to one’s overall physical and mental well being. I like to think of them as gears that run up and down our spine. If these energetic gears are well greased and functioning properly the energy will move just as it should. If one of them gets locked up the others won’t be able to turn. If one of them turns too quickly the others may spin out of control.

There is a lot of depth to the study of the chakras, but here is just a quick overview of each one based on what I know. The stones I have listed are some, but not all, of the stones that can help balance, support, and connect with the specific energy of each chakra.

I. Root - Muladhara (Root Support)

This chakra is your grounding connection to the earth and is located at the base of the spine. When it is balanced it brings a sense of serenity, safety, and support. When it is overactive you may feel anxious. Balance this chakra with prayer or meditation. When it is under-active you may be unfocused and disconnected. Energize this chakra by getting in tune with the world around you.

Affirmation: “I am.”

Physical effects: Reproductive health, digestion, lower back and hip wellness.

Color: Red

Stones: Ruby, garnet, red jasper, smoky quartz, hematite, onyx, obsidian, bloodstone, red tiger’s eye.


II. Sacral - Svadhisthana (The place of the self)


This chakra is the foundation of your identity, creativity, and pleasure and is located around the belly button. When it is balanced you will find yourself enjoying the simple pleasures in life without overindulging. When it is overactive there is a tendency towards gluttony or addiction. Balance this chakra by focusing on your health. When it is under-active you may be too focused on practical matters and not taking time to enjoy life, leaving you depressed with no passion. Energize this chakra by indulging in life’s pleasures.

Affirmation: “I feel.”

Physical effects: Sex drive, weight, hormones, energy

Color: Orange

Stones: Tiger’s eye, carnelian, brown citrine, orange jasper, orange calcite, sunstone, orange aventurine, tangerine quartz

III. Solar Plexus - Manipura (Lustrous Gem)

This chakra is the foundation of your power, confidence, and gut instincts and is located between the belly button and your chest. When it is balanced you will feel the power of your own wisdom and will have no trouble making decisions. When it is overactive you may act controlling over others or lack empathy. Balance this chakra by sending love and compassion out into the universe. Use your power for good. When it is under-active you may feel insecure and indecisive. Energize this chakra by doing something you’re good at and empowering yourself.

Affirmation: “I do.”

Physical effects: digestion, appendix, pancreas, liver, and kidney health.

Color: Yellow

Stones: Citrine, pyrite, yellow jasper, amber, moonstone, topaz, golden calcite


IV. Heart - Anahata (Unhurt)


This chakra is the foundation of love, compassion, and kindness and is of course located near your heart. When it is balanced you are able to see the good in people and are full of love for yourself and others. When it is overactive you may be putting other people’s needs in ahead of your own in an unhealthy way. Balance this chakra with acts of self love. When it is under-active you may feel closed off from other people, bitter, or distrustful. You may also carry negative feelings towards yourself. Energize this chakra by learning to love yourself.

Affirmation: “I love.”

Physical effects: circulation, heart burn, and heart health

Color: Green

Stones: Rose quartz, aventurine, peridot, jade, malachite, tourmaline, emerald, ruby

V. Throat - Vishuddha (Very Pure)

This chakra is the foundation of truth and is located around your throat. When it is balanced you will be able to speak your truth clearly, eloquently, and with kindness. When it is overactive you may be speaking too much and trying to be louder in order to be heard. Balance this chakra by thinking before you speak. Ask yourself, “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?” When it is under-active you may be quiet, accused of being shy or timid, unable to speak up for yourself or express your emotions. Energize this chakra by speaking your truth, first to yourself, and then to others.

Affirmation: “I speak.”

Physical effects: digestion, dental, and throat health.

Color: Blue

Stones: Aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, blue apatite, blue topaz


VI. Third Eye - Ajna (Beyond Wisdom)


This chakra is the foundation of intuition and psychic energy and is located between your brows. It opens your mind to what exists beyond the material world and the 5 senses. When it is balanced you will feel equally in tune with your spiritual and physical world. When it is overactive you may feel overwhelmed by psychic information, too deep into the spiritual realm, and absent from your physical reality. Balance this chakra by reconnecting with the world around you and the earth beneath your feet. When it is under-active you may feel spiritually disconnected and your intuition will suffer. Energize this chakra with meditation and self reflection.

Affirmation: “I see.”

Physical effects: headaches, sinus health, allergies

Color: Indigo

Stones: Amethyst, fluorite, azurite, sugilite, angelite, celestite, lolite

VII. Crown - Sahaswara (Thousand Petaled)

This chakra is the foundation of your connection to the universe and is located at the top of your head. When it is balanced you will have achieved enlightenment or nirvana. That is no easy task, but just attempting to balance it is what really matters. The more balanced it is the happier, healthier, and wiser you will feel. This chakra cannot be overactive because it is infinite. Almost everyone has an under-active crown chakra. Fuel it by balancing the 6 other chakras and working on your spiritual development.

Affirmation: “I know.”

Physical effects: none

Color: Violet or White

Stones: Quartz, moonstone, selenite, white calcite, opal, diamond, ametrine, raw amethyst, howlite


So that’s a lot, but how does it relate to Tarot?

You may have noticed some overlap in the meaning of the chakras and the wisdom of the tarot. Intuition, love, connection, truth…there are many common threads between them. Tarot is a great tool to use to check in with your chakras, and the energy from the chakras is a great tool to harness in tarot reading.The third eye chakra is especially important in tarot reading, but the rest also play an important role depending on the type of reading you’re doing. For instance, if you’re doing a love and romance spread it will really help if your heart chakra is properly energized. Some people think certain cards align with certain chakras as well, but I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

I will be sharing a spread I created for checking in with the chakras next week.


When I first started learning tarot I purchased a chakra stone set along with my first deck because I figured it would serve as a nice all purpose starter set. Though my preferred deck has changed many times over, I still keep and use those same stones whenever I do a reading. They are quartz, amethyst, sodalite, rose quartz, citrine, carnelian, and red tiger’s eye.


Another great way to support all of your energetic gears is yoga! I highly recommend it as a companion practice to tarot because it helps keep you centered, connected, and focused. Everyone in Austin knows our fabulous yogi Adriene, and so do a lot of other folks these days. If you’re interested in a home yoga practice she has a free youtube channel with practices that support any need you may have, though I am still waiting for the one for recovering from a difficult tarot reading.


The Chariot

The Chariot

VII of Pentacles

VII of Pentacles