Clear Instincts Spread

Clear Instincts Spread

I created this spread to help navigate the difference between intuition, gut instincts, and anxiety, depression, etc.. It’s not uncommon for our instincts to be clouded by our mental ailments, in my case those are depression, anxiety, and OCD. It can be frustrating when we have to second guess our own minds. For instance, one question I often ask myself is, “Is this a gut instinct I should follow or is this my anxiety lying to me?” It’s extra frustrating when the people around us don’t trust us enough to be able to tell the difference and dismiss our intuition and opinions.

So you can use this spread to check in with yourself whenever you need to feel more secure in your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, as hard as it can be to accept, you don’t need anyone else to have faith in you as long as you have faith in yourself.

Confront, capture, and dispel your anxiety to make conscious rational decisions that align with your true feelings.

Clear Instincts Spread

Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven

Level: Intermediate


0. This card represents whatever it is you think may be clouding your judgment. This is the thought or feeling you need to address and question.

1.What does my mind say? What do I know?

2. What does my heart say? What do I care about?

3. What does my body say? What do I want and need?

4. What does my soul say? What can I do?

5. What does my intuition/instincts say? What do I really feel?

My Reading


0. V of Cups Reversed. My anxiety tells me that a lot is lost that I need to let go of. I feel lingering feelings of guilt and shame that make it hard to move on.

  1. VI of Swords - My mind tells me it’s time to move on and let go of that mental baggage

  2. VI of Cups - My heart tells me to take comfort in the things that make me happy and reconnect with myself.

  3. V of Swords - My body tells me that I want to win but I need to pick my battles to avoid catastrophe. I don’t want to have any more regrets.

  4. XVI The Tower - My soul tells me that I need a major change and I’m the only one who can make that happen.

  5. X The Wheel of Fortune - My intuition tells me to trust the universe. There may be a turning point soon and some enlightenment brought about by the major change found in the Tower.

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