The Cosmic Egg

The Cosmic Egg

What is the Cosmic Egg?

The cosmic egg is a mythological trope that appears in various forms throughout many cultures. It often represents the birth of a new world, universe, or all-powerful being. I chose to use it to visually represent the energy of the Hermit card because of the themes of retreating, looking inward, and being reborn.


Uses for this Spread

These are unsettling times. The rug of society has been pulled out from under our feet. A lot of us are suddenly out of work, isolated from our friends and families, and feeling unsure of what the future holds. As our exterior world feels like it's crumbling around us, I think it's more important than ever to take the time to look within. We constantly check the news and social media and see so many things that make us upset that we feel we have no control over and it’s easy to get overwhelmed, anxious, and scared. But you can’t continue to fight injustice, to try to help other people, if you are struggling and unable to cope with your own feelings on what's happening. Right now, I believe the best thing we can do is take this time to reconnect and take care of ourselves so that when we are able to emerge from our isolation we can be at our best, strongest, and most resilient at a time when it’s more important than ever. So I invite you to use this spread to tap into your inner hermit and illuminate these dark times with the light of knowledge

This spread is also good to do around spring/Ostara/Easter, a time of rebirth and renewal, or just anytime you need to reconnect to your highest self.

The Cosmic Egg Spread

Level: Intermediate

Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven

  1. Retreat - The external force that suggests you need to retreat.

  2. Nurture -What to nurture during your isolation.

  3. Let go -What to let go of.

  4. Chaos -The force that brings chaos to your life 

  5. Cosmos -How to restore order to that chaos.

  6. Shell -What is protecting you during this vulnerable time?

  7. Crack-What will release you. When will you know you are ready to re-emerge? 

  8. Light -The light of wisdom to be found in your solitude.

My Reading

Deck: Spirit Speak Tarot by Mary EvansCloth: My own design, available on Etsy.

Deck: Spirit Speak Tarot by Mary Evans

Cloth: My own design, available on Etsy.

1. Queen of Cups - I needed to retreat to get back in touch with myself, my emotions, my creativity, my intuition. I lost track of them lately. I’ve been doing things that make me miserable instead of focusing on what makes me happy.

2. X of Wands - I work really hard all the time and sometimes it feels like a struggle. I need to nurture the idea that not everything is up to me to do on my own and find ways to work smarter, not harder.

3. Knight of Cups - I should let go of the raw emotions that sometimes hold me back. Acting fully motivated by emotion can get me into trouble, so I need to think things through rationally and cultivate my emotions into something more practical.

4. The Emperor - The chaos in my life is brought about by order, which is so funny but honestly it makes sense to me. Striving to live a life that makes sense to other people instead of the life that makes me happy is causing imbalance. Listening to the advice of others over my own has been sending me down the wrong path.

5. The Fool - To restore order to my life I have to approach it with a sense of optimism and the acceptance that I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but the possibilities are endless.

6. The Sun - What will protect me right now is staying positive and being a light in the dark. I have to remember that things will get better and they’re always darkest before dawn.

7. III of Wands - The egg will crack when I can finally see the clear path ahead. I just need to stay focused on my goals and accept any detours along the way as new opportunities.

8. Judgement - Since this card is about spiritual awakening and rebirth it’s very apt that it appears in this position. It tells me that this time of isolation really is valuable and could be life changing. If I take advantage of it I will emerge out of the other side of this as the best version of myself. I’m on the right path. I can’t help but feel like this is referring to the world as a whole and not just myself.

I hope this spread can help you find some peace and guidance.

Stay well and take care of each other!

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