New beginning. Fresh Start.

New beginning. Fresh Start.

It’s springtime again. I can really feel it right now. After the deep freeze here in Texas the birds are chirping again and the sun is shining. 

On a personal note, I’ve finished my deck and I’m moving on to new ventures. I’m starting a new job next month. It’s something I’ve been working towards for a long time so I’m very excited about it. 

The trials and triumphs of the past year put a lot into perspective. A lot of things are changing, and I feel for the better. 

I’m changing, growing, confronting the things that have been holding me back, scaring me into submission, controlling me from within and without. 

I am good enough to get the job I want, to be happy with myself, to do and manifest whatever I want.

While I’m feeling optimistic and excited about the future for the first time in a long time, it also kind of scares me. I try not to think that way, but I know how cycles work and that the wheel of fate keeps turning even when we don’t want it to. But I'm trying to just live in the moment and let myself be happy for a change. Ride the wave.

Change, no matter how positive, is disruptive. It can be disorienting, but also refreshing. And there is something about moving forward that makes you start thinking about the past which can be dangerous.

I decided to design a spread for tapping into this anxious, excited energy and focusing in on what it really means for me.

The visual metaphor for this spread is spiraling out of your shell, riding a new wave, or taking a breath of fresh air— whichever resonates with you.

The most important thing is that you have to let yourself have a fresh start. The only permission you need is your own. The only one who can free you from the baggage of the past is yourself.

If you’re having trouble with that concept, another good spread to try is my re-cycle spread for a little spring cleaning.

Refresh Spread

Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven

Level: Intermediate


0. Your Significator

1. What should I carry with me?

2. What should I leave behind?

3. What should I be open to?

4. What should I be wary of?

5. What energy do I need to tap into for success?

6. How will this new path change me inwardly?

7. How will this new path change me outwardly?

My Reading


I should carry with me all the wisdom and knowledge I’ve accumulated throughout my life, as well as the personal truth and open-mindedness I’ve cultivated. I should leave behind my passive self and take charge. I should be open to the abundance before me and accept that it’s really happening. I should be wary of using this fresh start as an excuse to avoid my mental baggage instead of continuing to deal with it. To be successful I may need to take some risks. This new path will help strengthen my resolve to not give up on myself and my dreams. I shouldn’t expect this to be an ending or a total triumph, it’s just a step in the right direction. My journey is not yet over.

Side note: Now that I feel more emotionally balanced I’ve upgraded myself from the Queen of Cups to my true significator, the Ruler.

Yogic Inspiration

Yogic Inspiration

Design Inspiration: The Fool

Design Inspiration: The Fool