Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Today marks both the anniversary of when I officially started The Prism Tarot in 2018 and when I launched the Kickstarter one year ago.

I wanted to do something special but I had some trouble deciding what to do, which got me to thinking about days like this and how we react to them. The expectations, the emotions, the reality of time passing…even under happy circumstances it’s all a bit hard to deal with.

Sometimes special days come and go as a matter of course and we miss them, or they’re just too monumental to fully comprehend on our own, so we avoid them.

But I do think it’s important to meditate on these moments, important points in time set aside to commemorate anniversaries, birthdays, deaths…etc.

And what’s the best way to do that? With a spread of course!

This is more of a clarifying exercise than a divinatory or self-exploration spread. I designed it to help you zero in on why this day is important, its significance, and what it means, past, present, and future.

A Moment in Time Spread

Type: Self-Reflection / Clarification / Meditation

Level: Beginner


0. The significator of this moment

1.The way you felt about it in the past. Why is this so significant?

2. The way you feel about it now. How can you celebrate or pay tribute today?

3. The way it may make you feel in the future. What can you look forward to in a year from now?


  1. Find the significator(s) of the moment. You can do so by taking the date, in my case 6/28 and add the numbers until you get a smaller one that corresponds to a major arcana card.

    6+2+8=16 the tower

    If you prefer a single-digit keep going

    6+1 =7 The Chariot

    Or you can work with both, which I am going to do.

  2. Place that card, or cards, in the center of you spread space.

  3. Shuffle your deck and draw 3 cards intuitively to represent the past, present, and future and place them according to the diagram.

My Reading

I look at the tower here in its most positive aspect, a major shift, destruction of one way of life to make way for necessary change.

When coupled with The Chariot it is a change I brought about for myself through pure willpower, blind faith, and courage in the face of adversity.

It’s a wonderful day for revolution, on a large or personal scale.

And yes my life has completely changed.

I also just realized that purely by coincidence my wedding anniversary yields the same results (1/15) And 6/28 is also my parents' anniversary. Nothing is arbitrary.

Past: In the beginning, this was an attempt to release me from my own mental anguish.

Present: Today I continue to choose my own path and I am excited by the possibilities. I can pay tribute by continuing to create and work towards my goals.

Future: I will never stop expanding on my passion and exploring this world I’ve created for myself. I am focused on an ultimate goal and someday I will get there.

This is all very accurate <3 A second edition of the deck is on its way and I am constantly inspired to create new tools for divination that I am excited to share with you.

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