The Ace of Cups
with emotion
Like the Fool, each Ace is a new beginning. They provide the initial spark of raw elemental energy that will grow throughout the journey of each suit.
The suit of Cups is the ruler of emotions, feelings, senses, and relationships. It is associated with water, the color blue, and the west. It speaks to our subconscious mind and inner wisdom.
The Ace of Cups is symbolic of an emotional and spiritual awakening. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as ‘Lord of the Root of the Powers of Water.’ The streams of water represent the 5 senses. They overflow onto the lotuses which represent the human spirit. The dove represents the spirit descending into the material world. The hands are our consciousness reaching out for enlightenment.
In a reading this card is about trusting your feelings to lead the way to a new relationship or source of inspiration. If your cup overflows with positive emotions, share them with the world.
The reverse could represent that you need to regain control of or get in touch with your emotions in order to move forward.