The Ace of Wands
The suit of wands is the ruler of inspiration, passion, and motivation. It is associated with the color red, fire, and the south. It speaks to our desire for connection, expansion, and power. In the Hermetic Tarot this card is known as ‘Lord of the Root of the Power of Fire.’
The Ace of wands is symbolic of an awakening to latent power. You reach out for the power of the wand, but it is still growing and developing. In the distance you see a castle--a promise of where your inspiration and passion can take you.
In a reading this card urges you to pursue the ideas that excite you. You may have had a creative breakthrough. Take this opportunity to start working to make your dreams reality. You have great potential, but don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by so many ideas that you are unable to manifest them into something tangible.
The reverse could represent lack of direction, not knowing what you want, or the frustration of being unable to pursue your true aspirations.