VII of Cups
gets in your eyes
Some illusions, like nostalgia, can be comforting, but you have to be careful not to get lost in them completely.
The VII of Cups is symbolic of blind faith, illusions, and clouded instincts ruled by emotion. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Illusionary Success.” A figure stands in the center of seven floating cups that are all filled with possibilities, both positive and negative. Instead of looking first, they are about to chose one blindly. The smoke in front of their face blinds them, but also represents a longing for self awareness. The snake whispers in their ear, it may either be egging them on towards temptation or sharing trans-formative knowledge. The laurels represent victory, the crystal heart represents love, the castle represents power, stability and a sense of place, the wings represent evil, anger, bondage, and calamity, and the skull represents death.
This card is ruled by Venus and oversees the third decan of Scorpio.
In a reading this card may serve as a warning to evaluate your options before making a decision. Something that may seem like a good idea at the time could have major consequences. Try to be realistic instead of giving into the temptation of wishful thinking. You may have a lot of dreams and ideas, but are struggling to put forth the effort to make them tangible. Get out of your head and do it.
The reversed may be asking you to look within for a direction when faced a choice. You may be feeling overwhelmed by too many possibilities. Try to focus on what’s most important and use your inner compass as a guide. Reach out to the truth. What’s right for you may not be the most logical option, but you should still choose carefully. Sometimes you have to take a risk.