VII of Wands
High Ground
Accomplishments and accolades may give you wings, but be prepared to protect yourself from those who are ready and willing to shoot you back down to earth.
The VII of Wands is symbolic of defiant and courageous power. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Valour.” The figure from the VI of Wands is now faced with enemy fire in place of fireworks. They have been taken off guard in the middle of their celebration and are forced to defend against the attack with only the two wands in their possession. With outstretched wings they stand firmly in their position. Their unwavering willpower creates a shield of light around them.
This card is ruled by Mars and oversees the third decan of Leo.
In a reading this card may be referring to the cost of earned success. You may have just reached a major milestone in your life, but now that you are at the top there may be those who are envious of your position and ready to take it from you. It may just be friendly competition or healthy rivalry, but there is a possibility of hostility. Be prepared to protect yourself. Now is the time to resist. Stand your ground for what you believe in. Be courageous in the face of adversity. As wands broadly refer to passion and creativity, this card may refer to pushing back against obstacles that prevent you from finishing projects that are important to you.
The reversed may indicate that your are tired of the struggle and about ready to give up. There is so much opposition between you and your goals that it is overwhelming and you feel ill equipped to fight back. Maybe you’re trying to do to much at once and need to refocus on what’s important. If you’ve been struggling with something for a long time and have gotten nowhere, maybe you need to just let it go. Look inward to find your strength. Realize that not everyone will be your champion. Sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader. Even though it may be hard, continue to fight for what you believe in.