VIII of Wands
Further. Faster
(Sorry for the tagline, I had to.)
You’ve broken free from the obstacles in your way and now you are free to let your power soar.
The VIII of Wands is symbolic of rapid action in the pursuit of passion. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Swiftness.” A figure flies among wands that streak through the sky like shooting stars. They are traveling quickly and with intention towards their goal.
In a reading this card reflects that you are making swift progress towards your goals. If things have felt stagnant, you’re about to break free. It is a reminder to stay laser focused on what you want and don’t let yourself get off track. Now is the time to take action and use your abundant power and creative energy to make things happen. This is not a time for hesitation. It may also indicate that change is right around the corner. You may soon receive some news or the answer to a question you’ve been waiting for. Taken more literally, it may indicate air travel or a quick trip.
The reversed may serve as a warning to not be too hasty. Make sure you think things through before putting your actions into overdrive. Sometimes when you act rashly or work quickly you can make mistakes or run into unforeseen obstacles that ultimately slow you down. The delay may cause you some frustration, but you just need to work through it. Maybe things aren’t in motion quite yet, but you’re taking the time to align your goals and mindset to make sure you’re clear for take off. It could also indicate a resistance to change and serves as a gentle reminder to just go with the flow.