Re-Cycle Spread

Re-Cycle Spread

Today is the first day of spring, the vernal equinox—Ostara. It also happens to be a full moon. I can think of no better circumstances under which to take a moment to reflect, recenter, and renew.

Spring is a time for change, action, and renewal—a perfect tie in to the lessons of the VIII cards that I’m currently working on.

Sometimes it’s not as easy as just setting an intention and going for it. If you’re stuck in a negative cycle it can be difficult to break out of it and clearly see what would make you happy.

One of the foundations of tarot reading is self awareness. Everything the cards can tell us we already know on a subconscious level, it’s just a matter of realization. If you bring awareness to your negative patterns you can work to change them. If you bring awareness to your true desires you can work towards making them a reality.

Many of us practice spring cleaning in the literal sense, but what about using that concept to clear the cobwebs from your head and open yourself up to new ideas and experiences? Use this spread to recognize and let go of old patterns that no longer serve you and form a clear intention to carry with you into spring.

Open the windows and let in the cool breeze. Listen to the birds chirping. Watch the blossoms fall gently from the trees. This moment is fleeting. Absorb it while you can. Remember, everything that ends begins again.

Re-Cycle Spread

Type: Self-Reflection

Level: Beginner


0 is your significator. The other cards are not numbered because there is no beginning or end. Start by placing three cards face up around your significator, starting anywhere and going counterclockwise. These cards represent your current cycle of energy. If you don’t like the outlook, draw again and cover them with the new cards. Reverse the direction of the circle. Continue this cycle until you like what you see. Keep only what you need and let go of what you don’t. You can choose to cover one or all of them, it’s up to you. The cards you end up with represent your subconscious desires and you can use them to set a strong intention. The cards they covered are obstacles you may need to overcome in order to get there.

VIII of Swords

VIII of Swords

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VIII of Wands