Dispelling Spread

Dispelling Spread

Today is both Litha and the beginning of the Neptune retrograde. Illusions are dissolving just as nature welcomes a fresh start. This could be the perfect recipe for clarity.

For me, this year so far has been one long trial of trying to find the right path. I’ve overhauled my cards, been trying to find new means of employment, and taken a more active role in my health. All of these things have been wrought with trial and error and I’m honestly never sure if I’m doing the right thing—which causes me a great deal of anxiety. In my reading for the year, June was marked with the King of Swords—clarity to cut through the confusion. I’m hoping that time is now, but I don’t expect it to just happen on its own. That’s why I created this spread.

It’s all well and good to celebrate this as a time of new beginnings, but when new paths open up we can become overwhelmed by all the possibilities or anchored by doubt. Take advantage of the extra daylight to seek out the truth that can help you move forward with clear intentions.

Dispelling Spread

Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Drive

Level: Beginner


0. Your significator

The rest of the cards are up to you, because for this spread you can ask as many questions as you like. Just place them around your significator in the arrangement and order that feels natural to you. In my example, I’m going to ask about work, health, and my creative endeavors. You may choose to ask about things like love, family, money, or anything else you’re concerned about.

In the first phase, the cards you place face up around your significator will represent the illusions associated with the questions you asked. In the second phase you will cover them with truths.

Illusions are whatever lies you’ve been telling yourself that may be holding you back from your potential. The truths are what will set you free and put you on the right path.

My Reading

Phase 1: Illusions


Phase 2: Truths


The first question I asked was about my career. The illusion appeared as the Queen of Swords Reversed. (It’s worth noting that almost every card appeared reversed which can be attributed to the fact that these are all really deep personal issues.) I may be too emotional about my job hunt. I’m under the impression that the world is cruel and out to get me. The truth is that I’m blocking myself with self doubt, as represented by the Page of Cups Reversed. I’m too guarded and perhaps not grounded in reality. I should try to share more of myself with the world.

The second question was about my health. The illusion here is fear and discomfort, as represented by the IV of Wands reversed. Everything having to do with my health and doctors makes me very anxious. On the other hand, I do feel like I’m doing well by trying to take care of myself. The truth is that I’m trying too hard. The IV of Cups reversed suggests that I keep finding problems because I keep looking for them.

The third question I asked was about my creative endeavors. The II of Pentacles reversed suggests that my sense of accomplishment has been clouded by a lack of progress and imbalance created by taking on too much at once. Death, a card that I often see as representing myself, suggests that that truth of the matter is that I’m always going to keep changing and growing and that it’s OK to start fresh when needed. It’s best to let go of what’s in the past and keep moving forward.

IX of Cups

IX of Cups

