IX of Cups
At the end of your journey you find everything you were looking for, but perhaps not what you need.
The IX of Cups is symbolic of initial spiritual and emotional attainment. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Material Happiness.” A figure sits among the many new cups they’ve found along their journey to enlightenment, but they are not filled. They display them like trophies with a sense of smug satisfaction.
This card is ruled by Jupiter and oversees the second decan of Pisces.
In a reading this card may reveal that you’ve reached a point of contentment in your life. A wish you’ve had for so long has finally come true and the hard work you’ve put into it has born fruit. This card represents sensual pleasures and the material side of emotional happiness. Be aware that this is a temporary state and not the end of your journey. You have the cups and now it is time to fill them up with something more substantial and enduring.
The reversed may indicate an acute awareness of what’s missing from your life when you seemingly have everything you ever wanted. Look inside to find what would truly make you happy. You may feel discouraged about a wish that has yet to come true, but it is a reminder that good things are on the horizon. I can also represent over-indulgence and materialism.