Knight/Messenger of Cups
of Raw Emotion
The Knight of Cups kneels before their Queen offering a message of love, passion, and spirituality. The water beneath them reflects their subconscious mind and inner wisdom. The waxing crescent moon represents their latent power. Their wings are swift and full of power. In the Hermetic Tarot, this card is known as the “Lord of Waves and Waters.”
The alchemical symbol for fire is associated with the Knights.
In a reading, this card may represent a romantic, sensitive, creative, or introspective person. They may be a person of refinement who wishes to experience all the beauty the world has to offer. They are passionate, inspired, and motivated by their emotions. The Knight of Cups may represent a spark of creative energy within you. They are an invitation to explore your passions. They also ask you to be a messenger of harmony and peace. They may appear when the time has come to make a decision with your heart and intuition rather than your thinking mind.
The reversed may represent someone who is too introverted, temperamental, or unrealistic. Their passion may manifest as jealousy. Their admiration for beauty may turn to disgust for the less appealing aspects of life. You may have a lot of ideas you are passionate about, but they are only daydreams that you have yet to be able to bring to reality.