Knight/Messenger of Pentacles
of Raw Life
The Knight of Pentacles kneels before their Queen offering a message of sensuality, connection, and materialism. The grassy land beneath them reflects their connection to the earth. The waxing crescent moon represents their latent power. Their wings are swift and full of power. In the Hermetic Tarot, this card is known as the “Lord of Wild and Fertile Land.”
The alchemical symbol for fire is associated with the Knights.
In a reading, this card may represent a productive, conservative, or sensuous person. They may be a realist who wishes to experience all the tactile experiences the physical world has to offer. They are passionate, inspired, and motivated by their need for material comfort. The Knight of Pentacles may represent a spark of earthly or physical energy within you. They are an invitation to explore your sensuality and work towards your goals. They also ask you to be a messenger of conservation. They may appear when the time has come to make a decision with your senses and physical needs rather than your thinking or emotional mind.
The reversed may represent someone who is too obsessive, overly cautious, or stubborn. Their realism may manifest as pessimism. They may represent a need to work on your self-discipline in order to be more productive. On the flip side, maybe you are suffering from an ‘all work and no play’ attitude. Perfectionism is the antidote to happiness. Losen up and enjoy the sensual side of the material. Life is to be lived.