Cutting Psychic Cords
I don’t practice spells very often, but unfortunately, this one has become a kind of go-to. I need it right now for the first time in a while, and it happens to go perfectly with the themes of the Devil card. I meant to post this right after I finished that card but I had to wait for personal reasons.
Cutting psychic cords is a fairly common practice and everyone does it a little differently. I find I can focus better on my intentions when I use my cards to visualize things, so I enhanced this spell with a simple spread.
What are psychic cords?
Psychic cords are the invisible strings that bind us to every person we’ve ever met. Most of the time they are a good thing, or at least benevolent, but sometimes when you have strings attached to a toxic person there comes a time where you need to be rid of them.
The Spell
“I call upon my highest self for the spiritual guidance and wisdom to be forever liberated from (insert name here) so that both of us may break free from any and all energetic attachments between us. With this crystal sword, I sever the cords that bind our chakras, cleanse my aura, and seal the wounds with love.”
Feel free to edit the wording to better suit your needs.
The steps of spell casting I use are as follows: Write it, speak it, destroy it. This simply means write the incantation on a piece of paper, speak it out loud, then destroy the paper in whatever manner you see fit, fire, water, shredding, etc. I find watching it burn especially cathartic, just be safe about it. This will send your intention out into the universe while also allowing you to let it go. It’s very similar to working with sigils. The most important thing is that you go into with a strong intention. You have to really mean it or it will backfire.
The Spread
a. Your Significator
b. The card that represents the person you want to disconnect from. You can choose it conciously or intuitively.
c. Represents the psychic cords between you. Shuffle for this one and place it last.
Putting it all Together
In addition to your tarot deck, you will need a piece of paper, something to write with, and a crystal. I am using a selenite dagger, which is the preferred instrument, but you can use whatever you have or feel connected to.
Step 1: Write out your spell and place it on your reading altar or table.
Step 2: Pull the cards
Step 3: Speak the Spell. At the end of the incantation, close your eyes, hold your crystal or dagger out in front of you, and slice it like a blade upwards from your root to crown chakra. Visualize it cutting each string in one fluid motion. Picture them fading away. Then take your crystal or dagger and drag it across the center card in the spread to symbolically slice it in half. If you’re willing to destroy your card you can do so, but I don’t recommend it.
Step 4: Destroy the written spell in the method of your choosing.
My Example
I’m not going to go into detail on this one, but I will point out that I did this reading/spell for both me and my husband so that’s why there are two cards in the ‘a’ position.