The Star
on the Horizon
““The birth of a star is often violent,
its life marked by brilliance,
its end barely noticed,
but there’s hope in its existence.
The charioteer who once dashed across the starry sky
with haste and hubris
was thrown from their carriage,
and when they got back up again
had a sudden longing for stillness.
Feel the ground reach up to meet you.
Meditate on the serenity that exists between the light and dark aspects of you.
Close your eyes to see the stars realign within you.
Then, with renewed faith in your power
ride again.””
The Star is a symbol of hope, faith and, permanence after the destruction of the Tower. A figure stands in the powerful star pose, or Utthita Tadasana. They have one foot in the stream and one on the land representing a dual connection to the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind. They are within and without, at once connected to their intuition and the practicalities of the material world. They hold an infinite universe within themselves, and there is an infinite material world surrounding them. Seven stars align within them representing the 7 chakras and a state of wholeness. The largest is the crown chakra which floats above them as a symbol of the never-ending search for enlightenment that propels one forward. In the Hermetic Tarot, this card is known as the “Daughter of the Firmament.” (Note: Firmament means the tangible sky or heavens in biblical cosmology.)
This card is ruled by the energy of Aquarius.
In a reading, this card may symbolize a time of meditation, peace, and hope after a time of struggle. Because of these struggles you’ve endured, you’re coming into your power in a whole new way. You are ready to rediscover your life’s purpose and meaning. You may be feeling firmly focused on your bright future and more determined and motivated than ever. This newfound strength and clarity may inspire and equip you to aid others on their journey as well.
The reversed may reveal a lack of faith that is holding you back from your potential. Struggles can often make us lose sight of hope for the future. If your faith is currently being tested by life’s trials, this card is a reminder that the universe has your back. It is also a reminder to have faith in yourself; you may be stronger than you think. Take some time to cultivate that strength by practicing self-care. If you feel dissatisfied with the way your life is going, take a moment to realign with your values and meditate on your soul’s purpose, then make the changes you need to in order to live your best life.