The Moon
““Lulled by sweet serenity
the sound of gentle waves
calls you to rest,
but don’t be fooled
it’s yet another test.
In your slumber
you find yourself
on a moonlit shore
by the primordial waters
where illusions and nightmares are born.
The path to morning
is long and winding,
each misstep a promise
of being lost forever
in endless depths.
When your untamed spirit
comes out to play
your intuition can keep you safe
if you listen very closely
and let it lead the way.”
No figure is present on this card because it takes place from the perspective of the dreamer. In this dream world, the moon exists simultaneously in three phases which represent mind, body, and spirit. The Fool’s faithful companion appears again as their journey nears its end. They are here to guide them and keep them rooted in reality while facing the perils of their own imagination. Their reflection reveals the figure of a wolf or their untamed shadow side. The Moon also relates back to the VIII of Cups, both cards being ruled by Pisces energy and representing a difficult spiritual journey. A scorpion emerges from the water. Normally this is a symbolic crayfish, but I chose the scorpion because of the relationship between Scorpio and Pisces, the most compatible water signs, and because I created this card during the full moon in Scorpio. It also represents the rebirth of consciousness, and since Scorpio is the sign of transformation, rebirth and regeneration it is especially apt. The towers exist as a representation of the constructs of man and how you need to surpass them in order to attain enlightenment. In the Hermetic Tarot, this card is known as the “Ruler of Flux and Reflux.”
This card is ruled by the energy of Pisces.
In a reading, the Moon suggests that there is something going on in your subconscious mind that you need to start paying attention to. This could be trauma from the past, illusions you’re allowing yourself to fall for, general confusion or lack of direction, fear, anxiety, or a neglected shadow self. You may be experiencing vivid recurring dreams or nightmares that are trying to tell you something important. It is an invitation to allow your intuition to guide you through the dark into the light of truth. Pay close attention to the moon cycles and how they affect you. Use them to your advantage when you can and don’t let them sway you in the wrong direction.
The reversed Moon suggests that you are in the process of working through your subconscious issues. You may be doing this in a constructive way or through avoidance. The deeper you push your issues down the more they will affect you in the long run. It’s better to confront your demons than allowing them to rule your life. Trust and listen to your intuition more than ever now, even if the messages you’re getting are unclear and confusing. It will all make sense eventually.